FIND MY FUTURE Interactive Performance

OCTOBER 6-13, 2012

Saturdays, October 6 and 13 from 4-7pm
Sunday, October 7 from 12-7pm


Part of the 8th annual Art in Odd Places festival

Guest Lead Curated by Edwin Ramoran. Joined by Guest Curators: Raquel de Anda, Christine Licata, Shaun J. Wright; Curatorial Coordinator, Lyra Monteiro; Curatorial Assistants, Claire H. Demere and John Wenrich.
Festival Producer, Sarah Brozna

Founder/Director, Ed Woodham


This interactive performance invites the public to a palm reading. In exchange, participants receive a printed map of hidden art pieces by major artists.

While the future of many artists, as well as many other professionals, seems to be predicated upon a structured system, science highlights the importance of chaos and chance. The act of reading palms, as well as the act of judging art and artists is a responsibility. How does a person acquire the knowledge to read palms? How does a person acquire the knowledge to judge art?

Álava’s art projects, in the form of dialogues, verbal descriptions, rumors and random encounters, explore notions of trust and intimacy, and use language as a medium to investigate the interconnections that exist between public, private, educational and interpretative aspects of art.


Esta performance interactiva invita al público a una lectura de manos. Los participantes recibirán a cambio un mapa con información sobre obras escondidas de artistas establecidos.

Mientras el futuro de artistas parece estar basado en un sistema estructurado, la ciencia recalca la importancia del caos. El leer manos y el juzgar arte o artistas conlleva una responsabilidad. ¿Cómo se adquiere el conocimiento para leer manos? ¿Cómo se adquiere el conocimiento para juzgar arte?

Los proyectos artísticos de Álava, en forma de diálogos, descripciones, rumores o encuentros aleatorios, exploran conceptos de confianza y utilizan el lenguaje para investigar conexiones entre los aspectos públicos, privados, educativos e interpretativos del arte.

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